I bought this app when I was half asleep. It was around 4 in the morning and my dog was crying to go outside because she had to go really bad. When I got back to by room, and i still have no clue why I did this, I got on my phone and immediately looked up this type of app. I fell upon this one and spent the .99 to get it. I tried it out by pressing the activate button and the 30 min. timer started to count down. It was easy to fall asleep since I was already still half asleep from the puppy inconvenience and as soon as I did, I went straight into freaky nightmares. Yes nightmares, not singular. I never have them, I never dream, nothing ever, and all of a sudden I have one and its right after I used this app. One nightmare was about the FBI stalking me and waiting to hack the app and track what I was saying. And another was about demons and ghosts trying to use the app to attack me. I had multiple others, but I cannot remember their content for the life of me. When i woke up from the nightmares, I immediately turned the app off(which had actually never even really started, the countdown was still going). Im going to try this app another night and be really freaked out if it happens again.
Sleep Talk Recorder